For many years, in many cultures and still today in depending on which societies, masturbation has been seen as something harmful, immoral and undesirable. To this day it is still considered something taboo that few people talk about openly and there are many who still consider it as something dirty and shameful.
On the other hand, there are a lot of myths and urban legends around male masturbation; that it causes acne, that you go blind or that it can leave you sterile. This is not only totally false but it can also provide us with many benefits. The art of pleasuring yourself can bring us a multitude of benefits, some that you would never have suspected and that can favor both your mood and your health.
In the following article we will explain the 7 benefits of male masturbation, so you know all the good that this sexual practice can bring you.
Masturbation prevents prostate cancer
Cancer is one of the most common pathologies in men. In fact, this condition has become the first type of cancer in men over 70 years old. At present, this alteration in the prostate accounts for 12% of the new cases of cancer diagnosed throughout Europe. Because of its prevalence in society, many theories and studies have been launched on what causes it, how it can be prevented and what factors are involved in its appearance. To date we know some of these factors, for example, we know that black men are more prone to it while Asians are less so and that people with a diet rich in fat are more likely to develop it. Now, to these two factors we can add another one; masturbation.
Masturbation helps treat premature ejaculation
If you suffer from premature ejaculation, and if this is not due to a physical cause, masturbation can become your best ally to avoid finishing too soon when you are with your partner. For one thing, start-stop exercises during masturbation can help you improve your control over ejaculation. Try looking at some beautiful pussy pictures to stimulate your masturbation.
While masturbating, you can learn what your point of no return is, understand the signals your own body sends you and be aware of when you are about to ejaculate in order to stop. These exercises consist of masturbating and stopping when you feel you are about to ejaculate, and once the excitement subsides, continue masturbating. On the other hand, it has been proven that masturbating 2 hours before having sex is a very good option to delay ejaculation during sex.
Masturbation acts as a natural relaxant
Yoga, reading, drinking herbal teas or even taking pills, there are many methods to induce your body to relax in order to combat insomnia and sleep soundly. But of all these methods, there is none more pleasurable or natural than masturbation. When a man reaches orgasm, his brain secretes a large amount of hormones and chemicals including oxytocin, serotonin and vasopressin.
Both oxytocin and vasopressin are two hormones that are closely linked to sleep, because when they are released, the body also releases melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep. In turn, oxytocin lowers our body’s stress levels, inducing drowsiness and relaxation.
Masturbation improves fertility
Much has been said about ejaculation and fertility, and most of the time it has been with errors and mistakes. In couples who want to get pregnant, it is common for doubts to arise as to whether masturbating or ejaculating frequently affects semen quality. The truth is that, far from what one might think at first glance, masturbating regularly can improve the quality and mobility of the sperm. This is because, through ejaculation, residual sperm are released, preventing them from affecting the new ones and favoring that those that come out with ejaculation are young and healthy.
Masturbation prevents infections
At each ejaculation, the ejaculatory ducts are cleaned, flushing out any bacteria that may be there, preventing them from proliferating and developing into an infection. But the benefits of male masturbation are not only noticed in that part of our anatomy, but can be noticed in all areas of our body.
Masturbation causes pleasure
We have already talked in a previous section about the hormonal cocktail that each orgasm brings to your body. The fact is that among the neurochemicals that we secrete when we masturbate we can find oxytocin and dopamine, two hormones that are related to levels of happiness.
Thus, male masturbation can activate the brain circuits of pleasure and satisfaction, increase your happiness and improve your mood without even moving from home. To boost it even more, in the following article you can learn how to increase your body’s dopamine levels.
Masturbation improves erection
The penis is like any other muscle: if you exercise it regularly it will perform better. The human body needs activity, if an organ does not perform its functions it tends to atrophy. With each erection you have, the penis is exercised, improving its erectile function, and because of its physiology, the more erections you have, the better the tissues and corpora cavernosa of the virile member are oxygenated.
Now you know the 7 benefits of masturbation for men but make sure you don’t overdo it because once masturbation becomes an addiction, it will turn all the benefits into negative effects.